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ADA: Innovative Research to Improve the Lives of Older Adults Living with Diabetes: Call for Applications (Links to an external site)
This call for applications aims to attract outstanding researchers interested in addressing the complex relationship between aging and diabetes.
ADA: Innovative Research for Enhanced Diabetes Prevention and Care in Primary Care Settings: Call for Applications (Links to an external site)
This RFA aims to attract outstanding researchers interested in improving diabetes care within the primary health care setting.
NOT-DK-24-031: Availability of Administrative Supplements to Broaden the NIDDK Clinical Research Workforce (Links to an external site)
This administrative supplement is designed to broaden the clinical research workforce with a specific focus on research coordinators. The supplement will provide funds to hire, train and support clinical research coordinators for up to two years to improve the outreach, recruitment, and community engagement of NIDDK clinical research studies, leading to more transformative research.
Request for Applications: WU-CDTR Pilot and Feasibility Program
The 2024 CDTR Pilot & Feasibility Application Cycle is Now Open Purpose: The purpose of this program is to promote innovative and transformative research, by investigators new to the field, to advance health equity in diabetes. The pilot and feasibility program focuses on T2-T4 translational research defined as ‘translating interventions and approaches that have demonstrated […]
Time-Sensitive Obesity Policy and Program Evaluation (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (Links to an external site)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) establishes an accelerated review/award process to support time-sensitive research to evaluate a new policy or program that is likely to influence obesity related behaviors (e.g., dietary intake, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and/or sleep) and/or weight outcomes in an effort to prevent or reduce obesity.