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NOT-DK-24-031: Availability of Administrative Supplements to Broaden the NIDDK Clinical Research Workforce (Links to an external site)

This administrative supplement is designed to broaden the clinical research workforce with a specific focus on research coordinators. The supplement will provide funds to hire, train and support clinical research coordinators for up to two years to improve the outreach, recruitment, and community engagement of NIDDK clinical research studies, leading to more transformative research.
Request for Applications: WU-CDTR Pilot and Feasibility Program

Request for Applications: WU-CDTR Pilot and Feasibility Program

The 2024 CDTR Pilot & Feasibility Application Cycle is Now Open Purpose: The purpose of this program is to promote innovative and transformative research, by investigators new to the field, to advance health equity in diabetes. The pilot and feasibility program focuses on T2-T4 translational research defined as ‘translating interventions and approaches that have demonstrated […]

Information on the WU-CDTR pilot and feasibility program can be found here.

The Washington University Office of the Vice Chancellor of Research maintains a comprehensive database of both internal and external funding resources.