Fostering the next generation of diabetes research to achieve health equity.

The WU-CDTR is a collaboration between Washington University in St. Louis, the Council on Black Health, and the University of Missouri. We work to support a national network of investigators conducting cutting-edge research on the root causes of diabetes inequities.

I am truly fortunate to have access to such a fantastic resource that is so enthusiastic about diabetes research and supportive of early career investigators.
Mary Katherine Ray, PhD (2022 Pilot Awardee)
Tools and resources
We have a curated library of research toolkits and webinars that can benefit your work.
Core services
Our research cores offer a range of services that support and enhance diabetes translation research for our members.
Upcoming events
Research highlights
WashU Public Health Ideas with Lora Iannotti (Links to an external site)
Dean Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH, talks with Lora Iannotti, a professor and WU-CDTR Member, about a paper she co-authored, “Wild Foods Are Positively Associated with Diet Diversity and Child Growth in a Protected Forest Area of Madagascar.”
WashU Public Health Ideas with Ross Brownson (Links to an external site)
Dean Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH, talks with Ross Brownson, a professor and WU-CDTR Associate Director, about a paper Brownson co-authored, “Understanding Misimplementation in U.S. State Health Departments: An Agent-Based Model.”
Halting hidden hunger (Links to an external site)
Can improved nutrition during pregnancy help prevent stunted growth in children around the world? With partners in Ecuador, WU-CDTR Member, Dr. Lora Iannotti studies the effects of maternal diet through the Mikhuna project.