George Schweitzer, PhD
"Influence of Supervised Exercise Training on Social and Cognitive Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors and Weight Loss in People with Obesity"
The overall goal of this study was to conduct a 16-week comparative efficacy trial in people with MAO to determine whether supervised exercise training in conjunction with a LFPB diet improves compliance and maintenance of healthy lifestyle choices and weight loss than does treatment with a LFPB diet alone. This project had two major specific aims: 1) Determine effect of adding supervised exercise training to a low-calorie LFPB diet on intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence the ability to implement and maintain lifestyle change (mental health, cognitive discounting tasks, intellectual functioning and ability, and stress), and 2) determine the effect of adding supervised exercise training to a low-calorie LFPB diet on compliance with exercise and satisfaction with the treatment program.
George Schweitzer, PhD- Instructor in Medicine, Division of Geriatrics & Nutritional Science, Washington University School of Medicine