Race in the Marketplace (RIM) Research Forum
June 25 – June 27, 2019 | Paris, France
…Crossing Critical Boundaries…
RIM is back! Building on the successful inaugural RIM Research Forum held in Washington D.C in spring 2017, RIM has decided to broaden the movement across the Atlantic and hold the second biannual RIM Research Forum in Paris (France) from June 25 to June 27, 2019.
The broad objective of this second Forum is to continue the dialogue across domains, disciplines and geographical boundaries to contribute to an integrated understanding of race in markets.
Through a multifaceted dialogical approach, the RIM Research Forum will examine how race (and its intersecting socio-political constructs – e.g. class, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability and sexuality) impacts and is impacted by the functioning of various markets (e.g. retailing, health, housing, finance, art, sport). The guiding aim of RIM is to highlight the reality of power, privilege and oppression, question existing marketplace practices and link these understandings to an overall framework that supports the development of equitable markets across societies.
Democratic dialogue will serve as the primary point of engagement during the Forum. Through an iterative process of sharing and deep listening, the goal is not merely to exchange information, but rather to set the intellectual foundations upon which future actions related to RIM issues may be guided.
The second RIM Research Forum will also offer a variety of thematic areas and presentation platforms from which participants can interact, including colloquium, poster and thematic sessions. Also, an optional Photovoice Workshop will be held on June 24-25, 2019 (see below).
Submissions can be done in two formats depending on one’s own preference: (A) Papers/Contributions and (B) Participation intents.
For more information visit the 2019 RIM Research Forum website.