/ “Moving Research to Publication” Event

“Moving Research to Publication” Event

No dates for this event
Taylor Avenue Building, Medical Campus, 600 South Taylor Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110

Please join the Institute for Public Health and the Center for Diabetes Translation Research for the upcoming event, “Moving Research to Publication.”

The purpose of this event is to bring together Washington University researchers and collaborators to publish research that informs clinical and community approaches to promoting health equity in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

This is a product-oriented event focused on T3 (research to clinical practice) or T4 (implementing and testing solutions at the population level) manuscripts.

Research Areas include:

  • Clinical Treatment of Diabetes and Obesity in Children and Youth
  • Clinical Treatment of Diabetes and Obesity in Adults
  • Community Research: Diabetes and Obesity in Children and Youth
  • Community Research: Diabetes and Obesity in Adults

Invitees will leave with: writing collaborators, manuscript outline, target journal, and timeline to submission-publication.

Administrative and financial support will be available to invitees until the successful submission of their paper

Registration and breakfast will open at 8:30am. Lunch will be served at noon.

Location: Taylor Avenue Building, 600 South Taylor Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110

RSVP by September 24 via Eventbrite

Questions or comments? Contact Allie Phad at allisonphad@wustl.edu or 314 935 3005