Call for Abstracts/Proposals

ADA Funding Opportunity: COVID-19 and Diabetes Research Award

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is requesting applications for research focused on the impact of diabetes on COVID-19 and the impact of COVID-19 on diabetes and its complications.

Recent clinical results have shown that people with diabetes are at higher risk of death from COVID-19 and that COVID-19 drives an increased risk of hyperglycemia and other complications in those with and without diabetes. This is in addition to the risk due to advanced age and chronic disease. Both the biological mechanisms underlying this risk and how to minimize it remain poorly understood. There is an urgent need for research to understand the impact of diabetes on COVID-19 and vice versa. This is true at a basic and clinical level.

The main text of the application will be a two-page application to provide all necessary study components (Aims, Significance, Preliminary data (if applicable), Research Plan, Expected Actionable Outcomes) with a one-page listing of critical references, PI Biosketch, and budget form. The goal of this RFA is to use a rapid application and review process to identify at least 10 grants of up to $100,000/each in this area and of high scientific merit for immediate funding. The COVID-19 and Diabetes Research Awards call for applications will open Monday, May 11, 2020.

The expedited application deadline will be 5pm ET on May 22, 2020 for July 1, 2020 funding.

Learn More: Review the ADA-COVID-19_RFA_(pdf) and Targeted Research webpage