Public Health Cubed Seed Funding (Cycle 3.0)
Public Health Cubed (PH3) is a rapid seed funding mechanism for Institute for Public Health Faculty Scholars.
The program nurtures novel ideas in public health research or education. It allows faculty teams to address major social problems too complex for a single disciplinary approach—and to pursue experimental ideas that might be too unconventional to attract immediate support from traditional funding mechanisms. The program also includes highly visible, campus-wide opportunities to highlight results. Printable copy of the PH3 guidelines.
CYCLE 3.0—2019
For this cycle 3.0 we seek projects that focus on health equity and community and social disparities. Projects must address issues specific to, or with potential impact in, our local St. Louis region. Additional priority will be given to projects that address issues related to mental/behavioral health, diabetes or the intersection of personalized medicine and disparities. We anticipate funding four to six projects per submission deadline.
Each Faculty Scholar in the Institute for Public Health will receive a virtual credit of $5,000. If teams of three (see “team” definition below) convene with a new idea or project in public health research or education, they can cash in their combined credits of $15,000 for the project. Proposals that seek funds to simply continue or supplement existing activities will not be considered, unless there are significant novel features.
Participation in at least one campus-wide forum to highlight the PH3 project or results is required. The Institute will coordinate with project teams to link them to opportunities to highlight their work.
- May 31, 2019 (online application link closed)
December 13, 2019 (online application link will open on September 1, 2019)
Please note central time when submitting by the deadline.
- Teams will receive notice of funding award within 4-6 weeks after the submission deadline.
- One-time funding
- After the initial award to a team, promising ideas may be considered for a second round of funding at the discretion of the Institute for Public Health.
For cycle 3.0 there are three (3) types of eligible teams. All teams (except “regular” teams) must include at least two (2) faculty members that are Institute Scholars. To find a list of Institute scholars, visit
- Regular = three (3) faculty scholars representing at least two (2) different disciplines from at least two (2) different WUSTL schools
- Community Partner = two (2) faculty scholars representing at least two (2) different disciplines from at least two (2) different WUSTL schools and one (1) community partner
- Institute Center Partner = two (2) faculty scholars representing at least two (2) different disciplines from at least two (2) different WUSTL schools and one (1) Institute Center partner
- Applicable Centers and Initiatives
*NOTE: We will consider proposals involving our Global Health Center as a partner that attempt to apply findings from non-U.S. settings to local (St. Louis region) public health research questions, or, use global health approaches for a potential local public health solution. Projects involving direct research outside the St. Louis region will not be considered in this round of funding.
Faculty whose scholar applications are in-process will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Details about becoming a scholar can be found here.
Click here to apply by the submission deadline.
Preview Public Health Cubed Application Questions before submitting.
Please direct questions to Victoria Anwuri, Associate Director of the Institute for Public Health.
Information originally posted on on March 25, 2019