/ Center for Health Economics & Policy Friday Nighter

Center for Health Economics & Policy Friday Nighter

No dates for this event
DUC, Goldberg Formal Lounge, Danforth Campus, 6475 Forsyth Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63105

Washington University students, faculty, and staff are invited to join Tim McBride, the Center for Health Economics and Policy, and special guest Will Ross, MD, MPH for a discussion on timely health policy topics with other faculty, students, staff and elected officials.

Location: DUC, Goldberg Formal Lounge, Danforth Campus

Pizza and drinks will be provided. Contact chep.iph@wustl.edu with any questions. No RSVP is needed.

Will R. Ross, MD, MPH

Dr. Ross is associate dean for diversity at Washington University School of Medicine and professor of medicine in the Nephrology Division. Over the past two decades he has recruited and developed a diverse workforce of medical students, residents and faculty while promoting health equity locally, nationally and globally through collaborations with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and public health officials in Ethiopia, Haiti, and South Africa.  He is currently assisting the development of an undergraduate program in public health in northern Haiti. As a public health and health policy expert, Dr. Ross focuses on systems integration and conceptual frameworks to reduce health-care disparities.  He is a co-founder of the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Center for Diversity and Cultural Competence and served on the task force that created the Washington University Institute for Public Health, while serving as co-director of the new MD/MPH program.  He is vice chair of the Washington University Commission on Diversity and Inclusion.  He has been instrumental in redesigning local access to health care for the underserved as the founder of the Saturday Neighborhood Health Clinic and co-founder of Casa de SaludLatino Health Center.  Dr. Ross is also a founding member of the Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience, a magnet health professions high school in St. Louis.

Event Sponsors: Center for Health Economics and Policy