Kathryn Lindley, MD

"Compliance with recommended postpartum Hemoglobin A1C Diabetes Screening at 6 vs 12 Weeks in a Multidisciplinary Postpartum Hypertension Clinic"

This project is significant in that addresses a serious gap in the delivery of postpartum medical care to women with pre-eclampsia and pregnancy-related hypertension who are at a significantly increased risk of short-and long-term unfavorable cardiometabolic outcomes. Data and local experience document poor adherence to recommended postpartum follow-up. The PI and co-I have developed a multidisciplinary clinic (MY HEART) in hopes of improving adherence to this follow-up and identifying at-risk women. This project will determine whether this multidisciplinary clinic improves adherence to follow-up and also will attempt to assess the importance of both the 6-week and 12-week evaluation to identify at-risk women. Developing approaches to improve health care delivery to these at-risk postpartum women would represent a significant advance over the current state of practice.

Kathryn Lindley, MD, Director, Center for Woman’s Heart Disease, Associate Professor of Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis